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Registering hours - your personal time sheet
Registering hours - your personal time sheet

Register hours via your employee portal or mobile device

Martin van der Zee avatar
Geschreven door Martin van der Zee
Meer dan een week geleden bijgewerkt

Have you already submitted your hours and want to change them? Only the (hours) administration, hours manager, or application administrator can reset your submission date for you. They can do this via the back office hours card.

Navigate to:

Open hours card from your employee portal

There are two ways to open the hours card:

[1] Via the shortcut:

To register hours from your employee portal, click on the clock icon in the dark action bar on the very left of your LIFT screen:

Open your personal hours card. Here you can register hours on projects and tasks linked to you. After entering and saving, you can submit your hours. By submitting, the administration knows that the entered hours are final. Users who are not just registering hours in LIFT do not have this shortcut.

[2] Via the hours overview in your employee portal:

Another method is to click on a day in the hours overview from the homepage. The hours card will open on the week number which is clicked. The highlighted box stands for today. Click on this line to open the hours card directly in the current week.

With this button, you navigate directly to the homepage of your portal. On the homepage, you will see a summary of your personal data, planning, and hours.

The personal hours card explained

Your hours card consists of:

Action buttons:

In your personal hours card, you see your own data with your submission date and a line with action buttons. These buttons are explained below:

When there are outstanding changes, this save icon will light up. Only after saving are hours added to your hours card. When an invalid number of hours has been entered on one or more days, the save button will turn red. A tooltip then provides more information about the day of the incorrect entry. The save icon can also light up red when hours have been written on a project without notes and notes are mandatory on that project.

Undo the current outstanding changes.

Submit saved hours. By submitting your hours, your hours are fixed and you can no longer change them yourself..

Reload data. With this option, all projects and hours linked to you are reloaded.

Activate a project from an activity group. Depending on your personal settings, you can also choose to activate a project from an activity group by typing a fragment of the customer or project name in the hour entry. This is the personal setting 'Activate Activity Group Proposals' and with the setting 'Via the text filter (requires reopening of the card)'.

Copy the hours as entered last week to the current week. Are your hours to register exactly the same as those of last week? With this button, you can easily copy the hours from the previous week to the current week.

Here you can start reports made available by the application administrator.

Here you can adjust personal display settings of your hours card.

Total overview

The total overview is the total of registered hours per day in a certain month. In the header, the current displayed month is shown in the middle and in bold. By clicking on an earlier or later month, the hours card will navigate in steps of one or two months to another period.

It is also possible to navigate faster. To do this, click on the bold (currently selected) month. After this, a popup will appear to quickly navigate to another year and month.

Meaning of the week control icons:

The number of fixed hours for this week are at least in accordance with the contract norm or your schedule and the hours have been submitted.

The number of entered hours for this week are at least in accordance with the contract norm but the hours have not yet been submitted.

The total number of entered hours in this week is not yet in accordance with the contract norm or schedule and the week is in the past. A tooltip above the icon will indicate what the contract norm is for the number of hours to be entered.

The total number of entered hours in this week is not yet in accordance with the contract norm or schedule but the week is still ongoing or is in the future.

Hour entry​

In this block, you register your hours per project and hour type (which could also be a project activity or project phase) on projects or tasks assigned to you. Projects are linked to customers and have one or more hour types/activities and possibly one or more declarations. You can only register hours on tasks.

Functionality with hour entry:

Type here (a fragment of) the project, task, or company name to more easily register hours on the desired project or task.

With the personal setting 'Activate Activity Group assignments' and with the setting 'Via the text filter (requires reopening of the card)', the quick filter becomes a search and activate activity group assignment bar.

With this switch, empty rows are shown. Click on this button to not show empty rows.

Navigate to a week earlier.

Navigate to a week later.

The date column is displayed in green when that day is marked as a national holiday. The tooltip on the day indicates which national holiday it is:

Standard hours entry:

In an hour cell, you can enter the hours in hh:mm notation (for example 8:45) or as 8.75 or 8,75 hours. By pressing ENTER after entering a number of hours, a note can be registered directly with the written hour. Hours with a linked note are displayed in bold in the hour entry block.

In the note/annotation block, this button can be used to switch to incremental hour writing, which is explained below.

LIFT also shows the notes field of a written hour at the very bottom of the hours card.

The project administration can indicate for a project or task that it is mandatory to add a note. The cell turns red when no note has been added yet.

Incremental hours writing:

Incremental hour writing is interesting when you want to register your hours at a more detailed level on one project hour type/activity on one day. To do this, go to the desired cell and click on Ctrl + ENTER. You can add a new entry and enter a note behind it.

Add a new row. In that row, you register the number of hours and a note can be recorded.

Delete the current row. The written hour and any linked note will be deleted.

When incremental time has been registered on a day by multiple different users, this is indicated in the cell with an orange corner:

Hour budget on project:

When working on a project with budgets, you will see the remaining budget expressed in hours in the project line. The icon behind it provides additional information:

There is still a positive hour budget on this project. Hover your mouse over the icon for additional information. You will then see the original budget, how many hours you have used yourself, and if working with a group budget, how many hours other employees have written on the project.

The project budget has been exceeded. Hover your mouse over the icon for additional information. You will then see the original budget, how many hours you have used yourself, and if working with a group budget, how many hours other employees have written on the project.

Holiday requests:

If a holiday request has been submitted, this will be indicated in the week of the holiday request.

In this week, a task hour request that has not yet been accepted is open on this task. The tooltip on this icon behind the task provides more information.

In this week, an accepted task hour request is open on this task. The tooltip on this icon behind the task provides more information. Clicking on the icon automatically fills in the hours of the holiday request for the current week.

When a holiday request has been rejected, the exclamation mark behind the task name will disappear.

An information icon can also be shown behind a task:

This icon is behind a task name. The tooltip in this icon then shows possible explanation about when you may register hours on this task.

Submit hours:

After you have fully registered your hours for all projects and tasks up to a certain week, it is important to submit your hours. By submitting your hours, you indicate to the administration and/or hours manager that the worked hours up to a certain date are fully completed. When hours are not yet final, hours cannot yet be processed for billing.

To submit, choose the submit button at the top of the card:

Submit saved hours. By submitting your hours, your hours are fixed and you can no longer change them yourself.

Select your desired submission date here and click on 'Submit'. This will immediately lock your hours.

After submitting your hours, you can no longer change your hours! So check your written hours carefully before you submit your hours! If you have unexpectedly made a mistake, you will need to contact your administration or hours manager.

Do you still have questions about registering hours?

Then please contact the administration or your hours manager!

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